Costa Rica
Enchanting, adventurous, progressive and spectacularly natural. Costa Rica seems to have it all figured out. Its ‘Peace with Nature’ initiative is committed to sustainable tourism and making Costa Rica carbon neutral. It welcomes all walks of life from everywhere in the world, so whether you are an explorer, nature lover, into extreme sports or just want to relax, Costa Rica has something for you. The country may be small, but it’s booming with activities and something new around every corner.
The locals call themselves “Ticos” and officially speak Spanish, but English is spoken in most places by “the friendliest people in Latin America.” They live by the saying, “pura vida” or “life is good,” and it’s no wonder considering that Costa Rica has no military, and instead focuses its attention on education, healthcare, its stable economy, renewable energy and preserving its natural beauty. Costa Rica is extraordinarily bio diverse, and with its wildlife, natural attractions, and reputation for conservation, its 12 ecosystems contains one of the richest concentrations of fauna and flora found on the planet.
With a temperate climate that makes it easy to get out and enjoy the natural wonders of the country all year, it’s easy to see why it’s known as the jewel of Latin America.
Sierra Collection
9u00b013’51. 83u00b048’06., Calle 8 7, San Josu00e9, Santa Ana, Costa Rica
Elan at Ballena Beach
60504 Km 170 Uvita, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Terraces at San Martin
Caminó a Escaleras, Provincia de Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Dulce Pacífico Hilltop Residences
2.5 km South of Uvita, Puntarenas Province, Punta Arenas, Costa Rica